News and Research

Emirates Group Chooses London For Inflight Retail HQ As Focus On Ancillary Sales Sharpens

November 26, 2020

The latest update on ancillary revenue from Wisconsin-based consulting group IdeaWorksCompany projects that it will drop by almost 50% this year to $58.2 billion worldwide, wiping out five years of annual gains. The just-released data are based on a larger list of 134 airlines—versus the 81 that reported for the CarTrawler 2020 Yearbook – in order to provide a better global projection.  Importantly, while ancillary revenue has fallen, its share of airline income has actually increased this year, indicating that the collapse in overall sales for carriers has been far worse. Airlines will therefore be looking more keenly at ancillary revenue streams going forward. These streams are defined by IdeaWorks as any revenue “beyond the sale of tickets that is generated by direct sales to passengers, or indirectly as a part of the travel experience.”

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